Monday, June 1, 2009

bye bye pacifier.

stella voluntarily gave up her pacifiers this week.  her aunt kami works with children in oklahoma and took them back home to a baby who needed them:)  every time stella asks about her pacifiers we remind her that there is a little baby in oklahoma who is now happy because she has a pacifier.  stella loves this idea- it may sounds corny but we gotta do what works:)  we are on night 2 with no paci's and it has been much easier than i thought it would be. what i didn't expect is how sad brandon and i would feel.  on night 1, we put her to bed and both felt a little sad that our miracle baby was growing up.  we are so used to her having a paci in her mouth and 1 in each hand.  for real:)  on many occasions, i have seen her with 2 pacifiers in her mouth at 1 time.   

she's 2 and 1/2 now....i thought it was time to get rid of the last 2 pacifiers that we could find in our house.  i honestly would have let her keep them longer if they weren't such a pain to find for bed/a trip/whatever.  i don't know how many times i've been driving down the road with 1 hand on the wheel and the other searching around in the backseat for a paci that she dropped. i also have no desire to spend money on any more pacifiers. tonight as i was catching up on some tv (the hills!!! omg-kristin is back!!!:) i thought i'd scan through our paci pics and find a few to share.

bye bye paci.

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