Saturday, April 18, 2009


we've had a lot going on lately.  thought i'd show you a few pics....

stella turned 2 and 1/2!  we celebrated with some birthday cake and balloons.  we kind of threw this together but stella couldn't tell:)  you probably can by the looks of her cool birthday hat.

we went to the elgin easter egg hunt.  oh my!!!!  thousands of kids......pure chaos.  this kind lady dressed up like the easter bunny and handed out treats to the kids.  stella was kind of scared.

easter family pic after church.............and just before our traditional and very competitive egg hunt at the farmers:)  congrats to the grissoms for gathering the most eggs this year.  julie was a great addition to the team.  congratulations to the bartlows for finding the golden egg!  you da bomb.

stella went bowling for the first time:)  anna-thanks for helping stella and her friends figure it all out.
adoption update:  brandon and i have been completing the necessary interviews to finish our home study.  4 interviews complete in less than 2 weeks.  we have our final home visit on 4/23. brandon and i are also finishing up all of our training hours.  i just purchased $150 worth of training videos tonight and hope to watch them and take all of the "tests" this week.

baby name update:  i'm leaning toward the name 'liberty' this week.  my list is 100 miles long so you'll have to wait to see what we land on:)

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